These tahini date cups have become a regular star ⭐️ in our home since first making them. I don't know if it's the creamy and nutty tahini or that soft delectable texture of the dates...or both! But I've been craving these *every* morning and you will too!
This recipe makes 24 mini cups or 12 medium ones.
1/3 Cup Tahini (we love the Soom brand)
2 Tbsps Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
1 Cup Zahidi Dates, soaked in hot water for 15 minutes and pits removed.
1/4 Cup Cacao Nibs
Maldon Salt Flakes
Dark chocolate for melting
Melt coconut oil in a small pot, add tahini, add maple syrup and stir.
Pour about one tablespoon of the tahini mixture into each cup liner and pop in the freezer for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, blend zahidi dates in a food processor until smooth. Remove from processor, add salt flakes and cacao nibs and mix by hand.
Add a teaspoon of date blend per cup and top off with remaining tahini mixture. Pop back in freezer.
Meanwhile, melt your dark chocolate in a double boiler and drizzle on the cups. Sahtain!
Diana Jarrar